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what should i put the folder io.github.luisrandomness.bbp_custom_posters to?

i cant download it

What do you mean you can’t download it?

WHAT THE FUCK TO DO WITH  io.github.luisrandomness.bbp_custom_posters


If you add the characters from the fan game also please don't make it so winders takes your whole inventory maybe like one item

I already thought of a way of making winders less annoying. He will take one item away from you like you said. He will take a random item that has a value of how good the item is. So if you have a grappling hook, he will take that one away. Kind of how This is a Bully works.

Alright. if you need help with the mod im not good at coding but i can try to get some textures from the game

there is no game

It’s a Baldi’s Basics Plus mod, not a decompile! Look at the tags.

(1 edit)

oh...i'm look like a hater. And i have baldi plus that even worst

No you’re not a hater. It’s just a miss understanding!

okay thanks

looks good!

oliver sorry

Please stop posting so many messages, next time comment in one message. Thanks!

baldi  try again  naughty

on the other hand

oh shit thats cool